Our Goals

Venus Rose wants their customers to fall in love with the process of self-growth, with what they see in the physical mirror, and with the metaphorical mirror reflecting their mental and emotional state.

Our Philosophy

Venus Rose as a growing and expanding business, prioritizes the wellbeing of women, which encompasses the physical (skin/ body/ demeanor), mental (mindset shift) and emotional (empowerment) aspects relating to being a female in the modern world.

Venus Rose’s products will improve a woman’s daily life by implementing a self-care routine comprising of haircare products, skincare products, beauty wellness supplements, shaping garments, and general wellness tips (skincare, makeup, fashion, positive affirmations) to ultimately support the process of self-growth and beautification. This process of self-growth is a consistent and disciplined journey involving internal and external refinements.



Bespoke Products

Natural Empowering Bespoke Products

Our Story

Venus Rose is Tiara Suraya, Tiara Suraya is Venus Rose, a business curated by women for women. Tiara Suraya graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Anatomy, Human Biology, and Women’s Reproductive Health in the realm of Biomedical Sciences. She found a passion in skincare, skin health, and cosmetic chemistry as well as women empowerment and wellbeing and thus continued to study these subjects as a postgraduate specialization.

Eager to begin her cause, whether ready or not, Tiara created Venus Rose, building herself up while building Venus Rose. Tiara Suraya, Venus Rose’s founder, recently embarked on her journey of self-growth, striving to fulfill her potential to inspire others and show them anything is possible if you simply stay consistent, disciplined, and motivated.

Beauty is Power.

Wellness is Strength.